ESG disclosure of listed companies


In December 2021, the Tunis Stock Exchange and the Financial Market Council (CMF) published an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide for companies, particularly listed companies.
This guide proposes a matrix of indicators for a progressive approach to extra-financial reporting, covering environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, and aims to standardize extra-financial communication.

It is recommended that the adoption of this extra-financial disclosure approach be accelerated, especially among the flagships of the Tunisian economy, in order to unite the Tunisian ecosystem towards a new sustainable economy that takes into account the needs of future generations and the real impacts linked to threats that affect the whole world.

Within this framework, a first series of listed companies have already published ESG reports for the year 2023, below is an initial list. This list will be updated after each new publication brought to the attention of the Tunis Stock Exchange:




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